Description: annex displays all annexations and deannexations for all municipal jurisdictions in Pima County. Each annexation or deannexation is displayed. The outer boundary of all annexations is the corporate limits.
Known Errors/Qualifications: This layer has overlapping map features as a result of deannexations and any subsequent annexations in the same area.
Spatial Domain: Pima County
Rectified: parcel
Maintenance Organization: PC DOT Engineering Information Mgmt
Maintenance Frequency: Varies
Maintenance Format: GDB Std Export
Primary Source Organization: Pima County municipalities
Primary Source Date: 1998
Primary Source Scale: 3000
GIS Contact: Lynn Jarzombek
MapGuide Layer Name: Annexations
MapGuide Scale Range: 0 - 1000000
Copyright Text: Pima County Information Technology Department - Geographic Information Systems
33 N Stone Ave., 15th Floor
Tucson, AZ 85701
Description: <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>The Archaeological_sensitivity_zones layer was developed to assist City staff in implementing City Manager Administrative Directive 1.07-7. This directive requires that all city projects or projects by others in the City right-of-ways have a professional archaeologist present to monitor any digging in an Archaeological Sensitivity Zone, and to notify the City Historic Preservation Office (which is sometimes able to give a waiver, depending on the nature of the subsurface impacts of the project). This layer is integrated into the right-of-way permit approval process since July, 2008. If a project within City right-of-way falls within an Archaeological Sensitivity Zone then language is inserted on the permit indicating the requirement for archaeological monitoring and notification to the City Historic Preservation Office..</SPAN></P><P><SPAN>City Archaeological Sensitivity Zones were created to cover the archaeological Priority Cultural Resources within the City limits identified in the Pima County Sonoran Desert Conservation Plan, a list of the most significant archaeological resources in eastern Pima County that was developed in consultation with local professional archaeologists and preservationists, including City and County staff for cultural resources preservation. In order to comply with state regulations prohibiting public officials from revealing archaeological site locations and boundaries, and to create an additional buffer beyond currently know site boundaries, the zones were generalized to align with the closest quarter-section lines as delineated in Pima County's trs4.shp and the City limits as delineated in lim_tuc.shp.</SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>
Copyright Text: Published by City of Tucson Information Technology Department, GIS Services,
Description: DISTVOTE displays the boundaries of voter precincts in Pima County as modified and adopted by the Pima County Board of Supervisors November 21, 2017. Becoming active March 1, 2018.
Known Errors/Qualifications: This layer was screen digitized on the street centerline base. Only generally rectified to parcel base. Boundaries overlap parcels in some areas.
Lineage: 03/01/2006 - Received new layer from Elections, and processed it to populate Congressional and Legislative districts.
03/01/2008 - Precincts split/added per Elections, other attributes updated accordingly.
02/20/2012 - Precincts split/combined and renumbered per Elections, other attributes updated accordingly.
01/21/2014 - Precincts consolidated and renumbered per Elections staff, other attributes updated accordingly, slivers in geometry removed.
2/28/2018 - Precinct 229 split to make 249 and boundary between 6 and 175 moved.
9/24/2019 - Precinct boundary between 6 and 115 moved due to construction of subdivision BOSD approved 9/17
Spatial Domain: Pima County
Rectified: parcel
Maintenance Description: Elections will notify ITD GIS when there are precinct boundary changes.
Maintenance Format: GDB Std Export
Primary Source Organization: PC Elections Division
Primary Source Contact: Mary Martinson
Primary Source Date: 2012
Primary Source Format: Paper
GIS Contact: Clark Phillips
MapGuide Layer Name: Voter Precincts
MapGuide Scale Range: 0 - 100000000
Copyright Text: Pima County Information Technology Department - Geographic Information Systems
33 N Stone Ave., 15th Floor
Tucson, AZ 85701
Description: jurisbnd displays incorporated and unincorporated areas within Pima County.
Known Errors/Qualifications: This layer is meant as a general reference, and not as an ownership indicator.
Spatial Domain: Pima County
Rectified: parcel
Maintenance Organization: PC ITD GIS
Maintenance Description: This layer is based on annexations. Cecilia Perez updates annexations and simultaneously updates jurisbnd based on topology rules. jurisbnd is a stand-alone layer.
Maintenance Frequency: Daily
Maintenance Format: GDB Std Export
Primary Source Organization: ALRIS
Primary Source Contact: Jim Riedmann
Primary Source Document: land
Primary Source Date: 1997
Primary Source Scale: 24000
Primary Source Format: Coverage
GIS Contact: Ray Brice
MapGuide Layer Name: City Limits
MapGuide Scale Range: 0 - 10000000
Copyright Text: Pima County Information Technology Department - Geographic Information Systems
33 N Stone Ave., 15th Floor
Tucson, AZ 85701
Description: <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>ward_cot displays the six city council districts in the City of Tucson. Ward area legal boundaries are based on Pima County voting precinct legal boundaries. Each voting precinct is contained in one and only ward_cot displays the six council districts in the City of Tucson. one Ward area.</SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>